Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course : A Way of Life
Apache Knife Combat Scouts is the art of being able to follow and hunt down a man by following his path and signs left behind.
How is combat tracking / mantracking different from tracking animals? Animals do not conceal their tracks and have set characteristics, but the enemy is cunning and skillful and is capable of concealing his tracks. The art of tracking is not new. The tactical employment of trackers is not new either. Native American Indians Scouts were used in US. Military, Korea, Vietnam and yes Rhodesia to name just a few. Trackers prove very successful because they were able to pass back valuable information such as strength, speed, and other pertinent information required to successfully bring the fight to their enemy and destroy. Tracking can be called to look for lost persons, such as hunters or children who have wandered off. The basic techniques are the same. We can not teach tracking in the time frame set aside for this training. We can only teach the basic techniques which must be applied. For one to become an experienced tracker, it will take years of experience to master these techniques.
Those interested are Encouraged to Call Robert Redfeather For More Information: 1-(714) 886 - 7283