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Welcome! to CALIFORNIA    

Now Offering Tracking Course in November 9, 2019

Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course : A Way of Life   
Apache Knife Combat  Scouts is the art of being able to follow and hunt down a man by following his path and signs left behind. 
How is combat tracking / mantracking different from tracking animals? Animals do not conceal their tracks and have set characteristics, but the enemy is cunning and skillful and is capable of concealing his tracks. The art of tracking is not new. The tactical employment of trackers is not new either. Native American Indians Scouts were used in US. Military, Korea, Vietnam and yes Rhodesia to name just a few. Trackers prove very successful because they were able to pass back valuable information such as strength, speed, and other pertinent information required to successfully bring the fight to their enemy and destroy. Tracking can be called to look for lost persons, such as hunters or children who have wandered off. The basic techniques are the same. We can not teach tracking in the time frame set aside for this training. We can only teach the basic techniques which must be applied. For one to become an experienced tracker, it will take years of experience to master these techniques. 
Those interested are Encouraged to Call Robert Redfeather For More Information:  1-(714)  886 - 7283

Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course
Robert Redfeather
 1...Tracker sets the pace.   2...Record the start point.   3...Always know your position.   4...Confirm on aerial spoor.
 5...Keep in visual contact.   6...I dentify the correct tracks.   7...I dentify the correct tracks. 
 8...Never walk on ground spoor.   9...Get into the quarry's mind.

Combat Tracking School Albums
  1. Managing Director
  2. Managing Director
  3. Managing Director
  4. Managing Director
  5. Managing Director
  6. Managing Director
  7. Managing Director
  8. Managing Director
  9. Managing Director
  10. Managing Director
  11. Managing Director
  12. Managing Director
  13. Managing Director
Now Offering Tracking Course in November 9, 2019
Nov 9,10,11,12,13,2019

Mountain Lakes Resort
277 Lytle Creek Rd.
Lytle Creek, CA. 92358

Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course for Public​
Apache Knife Combat Tracking Albums
U.S. Apache Knife Combat Scout

Mountain Lakes Resort
277 Lytle Creek Rd.
Lytle Creek, CA. 92358​


Option 1. Down Payment $300.00  Apache Scouts  Tracking Course 
​Option 2. Payment in Full for 1 week.......$800.00 Apache Scouts Tracking Course
To hold your position down payment is required first come first served of 
$300.00 .. You can pay the rest of your deposit when you show up to the course 
or on the web page before you come .. all Major credit cards are Excepted.

​​Arrival Check  Date in Nov 9, 2019
Now Offering Tracking Course in November 9,10,11,12,13, 2019

"All classes pay in advance before coming to courses." to Everyone must PAY IN 
FULL before they may attend the course.

2018 Spaces Available "YES"
Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course:
All classes must be paid in advance before coming to courses.
First come first serve. Only Accepting 6. Apache Knife Combat Scouts Applicants. 
Courses consist of basic Tracking Skills and does not include survival skills. 
There will be no camping outside. You will be taken back to your Cabin
Be sure to dress according to the weather.
Lunch and Dinner will be provided.

1. Camouflage Gear
2. Combat boots
3. Hat
4. Flashlight
Water canteen
Notepad & pen
Backpack ( optional )
Paintball Rifle and Paintball Equipment  

1. NO hand guns, No Live Ammo
2. Video Cameras 

Contact Robert Redfeather or text 1 (714) 886-7283
Apache Knife Combat Scouts School.
All you need to do is: click on the PayPal Button ...NO REFUND
Apache Knife Combat Tracking Course:
To hold your position down payment is required first come first served of 
$300.00 .. You can pay the rest of your deposit when you show up to the course 
or on the web page before you come .. all Major credit cards are Accepted.

Robert Redfeather
12340 Seal Beach Bl. B-668

Seal Beach, CA. 90740
text 1(714) 886-7283 ​​
Apache Knife Fighting  DVD

Apache Knife : A Way of Life 

Apache Knife Fighting  DVD 60 Minutes. [Official PayPal Seal]
People always ask me why my DVD so much money because half the money goes to US military when I train them for equipment sometimes when I raise enough money I teach for free thank you for buying the DVD.
AVAILABLE  NOW!  Apache Knife Fighting  DVD 
get your guide to knife survival today.
ONLY  $75.00  includes shipping and tax    No Refunds.

If you choose to pay through PayPal just click on the 
 PayPal Buy Now Button   REDFEATHER88@aol.com
 Mail to GM Robert Redfeather ( 714) 886-7283 or 12340 Seal Beach Bl. Seal Beach, CA. 90740

Apache Knife : A Way of Life 

Apache Knife Ghostdog Productions presents "Robert Redfeather's Apache Knife Fighting"
Starring GM Robert Redfeather and Tanner Nydstrom Directed by William Kally

GRANDMASTER Robert Redfeather will introduce you to the world of Apache Knife Fighting.
Through exciting step-by-step moves and knife fighting techniques, you'll learn some of 
the Apache Knife Fighting ways in the groundbreaking DVD!

Redfeather teaches through the Apache fighting art of  Nagondzog , which means "guerilla warfare."  
You'll learn how to knife fight from a distance and up-close.  He shows you the basics on proper footwork, hand-to-hand knife combat, non-committed and committed (lethal) attacks and much, much more!

Apache Knife Ghostdog Productions presents "Robert Redfeather's Apache Knife Fighting"
Starring GM Robert Redfeather and Tanner Nydstrom Directed by William Kally

Bonus Features include:
Step-by-step instruction by GM Robert Redfeather, Apache Knife Fight Scenarios, hand-to-hand 
combat scenarios and a photo gallery. Digital Stereo Sound-Digital Picture

Ghostdog Productions®